Friday, February 25, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

End of the day by the beach...

Sometimes it's nice to take photos for fun. And when I say fun, I mean not work. Don't get me wrong, I love my profession, but it still amounts to work (i.e. lugging large amounts of camera gear followed by hours at the computer sorting, keywording, and editing.) Believe it or not, the daily photographer grind can threaten to suck the creativity out of you after awhile.

Which is why, every now and then i like to take the camera out for giggles and shoot some photos for me. I shot these with my shiny new wide angle lens a few weeks back at the Balboa Peninsula. I used to come down here a lot when I was a kid and I must say taking pictures at the beach never gets old for me.

Hope you enjoy them.

Sure it's a nice view, but look at the working conditions.

Is it just me or should there be some sort of Instructional Darwinism?

My idea of traffic...

Step up!

Loved this arcade as a kid. Hold on... shouldn't be past tense, still do!

Gotta love sunshine and palm trees. Even the last bits of it.